So as I now wrap & kiss goodbye my newest favorite creation, I question again the most effective way to market my jewelry online==> with pictures of Monique the Mannequin OR pictures of the human variety. Monique's figure is beyond reproach, and she never complains about holding a pose. The potential human model can't seem to stay still, can't get her body under the daylight lamps while snapping the picture, and can't hold up a strapless dress. However, she does work cheap. Plus in Real Life, ordinary women do seem to enjoy the jewelry her 5'7" imperfect body wears...
I vote for Monique. As the photographer, I've finally learned to position the 2 light cones with daylight bulbs focused just about right on Monique as she poses 24/7 on her table. Besides, I think all of us mortal woman enjoy fantasizing that the svelte, (plaster) model wearing my jewelry in the website could be her, with just a little dietary tweaking.