This is a Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda post, with my apologies for not posting my craft show schedule sooner. I only do 2-3 a year, usually during the holiday season, so I hope it's not too late to get on your calendar! I'm "Classic Beadwear" locally & have dozens & dozens of original jewelry designs in metal, wire, beads & stones. I've recently added Artsy Doodads to my repertoire. If you wonder what that means, good! Come see my shows:)
1) RENTON HASSLE FREE HOLIDAY BAZAAR- Time/Location on picture. This is a well-run, well-established show with over 100 vendors, plus refreshments & lots of parking. My "Classic Beadwear" booth is usually near the large garage door in the back corner. It's a great spot, diagonally across from delicious artisan breads. YUM! If I'm not in that spot, please ask for Classic Beadwear.
For Duplicate Bridge player customers only- at
Eastside Bridge Center, Redmond, WA. Dec. 9 (9:30 am to 2:30) and Dec. 10 (9:00 - 5:30). What fun to combine a good game of Duplicate Bridge with a chance to snatch some high quality crafts, handmade by your Bridge pals!
ALSO, my shows are a great place to custom order your own Doodad or jewelry creation! We can work out the design together during slack times. Well, maybe I'd better explain DOODADS, ya think? Stay tuned:)