Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finding My "Signature Look"

I'm a work in progress. In my 5th year as an aspiring jewelry artist, I still find every medium I try a compelling challenge, full of surprises. Frankly, these are the experiences that motivate me to continue experimenting. When I'm really "in the zone," I go to bed reluctantly, obsessing over ways to solve some technical challenge to implement a design. Often the solution appears in a dream... really! Many brainstorms, sending me off in a completely new direction, were born in my sleep.

At this point in my evolution as an artist, I might work seriously one week with stones, another with metalsmithing, another with wire-art. How can I develop one signature look about my art? Do CUSTOMERS want variety OR one signature "look" from a Jewelry Artist? I do sense that the ART COMMUNITY wants a signature look...

Furthermore, my art really reflects who I've been all my life -- seeking, learning, branching out, evolving. This is my 4th "career," & I've loved them all with passion.

ONE look? It's not who I am...

Samples of Evolution...
2006 2007